For my friend Emily’s wedding shower last weekend, I ditched
the wrapping paper and instead covered her gift (a cookbook) in fabric! It
turned out quite pretty and is a great, economical idea if you have extra
fabric scraps hanging around the house.
Ready to get crafty? Here are the step-by-step directions:
1) Find some lovely fabric wide enough to cover your gift
from end-to-end (just the way you would for wrapping paper.
2) Fold just the way mom would wrap a Christmas gift (but not the
haphazard way dad does. Sorry, dad.)
3) Tape down the edges just to hold everything together.
4) Then, tie the gift using yarn, twine, ribbon or anything
you wish (I used sisal twine)…and remove the tape.
5) Make into a bow. I also stuck in some imitation flowers
and tied in this hand-written congrats tag.
Then, I added this great decorative teaspoon set to the top,
to go along with the cooking theme. They come in so many lovely versions.
...and voila!