Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why Yoga

If there's anything I've determined in my twenties, it's that life is crazy. It never slows down when you're working full time, building a foundation on your career and marriage, making an effort to spend time with friends and family, being there for your coworkers and trying at least in some capacity to stay sane. There has to be an outlet (or a few)--whether it's jogging, reading, going to church, cooking dinner, or binge-watching episodes of Downton Abbey (guilty). 

These days, I've turned to yoga as an outlet a couple times a week. Why Yoga?
...Because it feels so good to stretch for long periods of time. When I used to play basketball in high school, all I really wanted to do was lay there and stretch while my teammates ran endless drills. 
...Because it kicks my butt. We need to push our bodies out of their comfort zone sometimes. Keeps us humble. 
...Because it makes me feel strong...a six pack is literally impossible, but sexy shoulders? I'm in.
...Because it's important to feel ridiculous once in a while (seriously, duck pose is just not happening...)
...Because yoga is really just practicing breathing, which we all need to learn to do once in a while in this crazy life.

Our instructor says that if you are aware of your breath, you are practicing yoga. I always think of waves pulling in and pushing out as I breathe.

*Photos from our honeymoon in Costa Rica during one of the greatest sunsets I've ever seen.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday thoughts

Oh, hello, Monday, you old buzzkill. I used to think everyone around me had an easier time coping with life. But growing up is the realization that we are all experiencing the same feelings. 

We all cry, we all pray, we all get furious, we all doubt ourselves, we all screw up, we all want to be the cool kid, we all miss our moms, we all have bad habits, we all accidentally explode food in the microwave, we all have secrets big and small, we all fight the urge to run away, we all crave childhood summers, we all wish for more time, we all want a better life…

Of course these are generalizations, but you get the picture. We’re all human. As Plato is quoted as saying, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.”

In 2014, I've promised myself to practice thankfulness -- being more mindful of the good coming my way in life. There is so much to be thankful for. 
